
In this episode of Inside The Wolf's Den, Shawn and Joni dive deep into the world of real estate investing and financial security. They sit down with Satch Bernhardt, an airline pilot turned expert real estate investor, to discuss the unique challenges and opportunities for pilots and professionals in the real estate market. Satch Bernhardt is the managing principal at...

In this episode of Inside The Wolf’s Den, Shawn and Joni welcome Daniel Craig, the renowned property management financial expert and founder and CEO of ProfitCoach. Daniel Craig has been a key figure in shaping the National Association of Residential Property Managers (NARPM) Accounting Standards through his groundbreaking benchmark study. In this enlightening conversation, he shares how his study has...

In this episode of Inside The Wolf's Den Podcast, Shawn and Joni Wolfswinkel delve into the importance of branding and provide valuable insights on how to create a strong brand. They discuss the key elements of branding, including understanding your target audience, developing a brand strategy, creating a visual identity, and building brand awareness. They also share real-world examples of...

In this transformative Inside the Wolfs Den episode, Shawn and Joni are joined by acclaimed sales and performance coach Tom Reber. Tom is the founder of The Contractor Fight, author of the book Winning the Contractor Fight, and host of The Contractor Fight Podcast, the world's top podcast for contractors. With a background as a retired Marine and popular former...

In today’s episode of Inside the Wolf's Den, Shawn and Joni discuss a crucial issue faced by many property management companies: high churn rates with tenants and rental property owner clients. High churn rates can be a significant challenge for property management companies, leading to increased costs, lost revenue, and a negative impact on the company's reputation. However, there are...

In this episode of Inside The Wolf's Den, Shawn, and Joni visit with Vinicius Castanho, a highly sought-after personal trainer and fitness instructor to some of the world's most successful entrepreneurs. Vinicius shares his insights and expertise on achieving a healthy and balanced lifestyle despite a busy schedule, as well as tips on staying motivated and committed to your fitness...

In this episode of Inside The Wolf's Den, Shawn, and Joni sit down with their friend and special guest, Boris Sanchez, a renowned commercial real estate investor, lender, and educator. Boris shares his expertise and insights on the commercial real estate industry, including current trends, challenges, and opportunities. He also details his inspiring journey into the world of commercial real...

In this week's Inside The Wolf's Den episode, Shawn and Joni are excited to welcome a very special guest, Dave Lungren, a renowned business coach and mentor. For over 25 years, Dave has served as a business and sales consultant to some of the most extensive educational, training, coaching, and personal development world, working directly with or for people like...

In today’s inspiring Inside The Wolf’s Den episode, Shawn and Joni explore the concept of turning your greatest vulnerabilities into your greatest strengths. Every individual has their own unique set of vulnerabilities that they may perceive as weaknesses, but they can be turned into strengths if they understand and harness their power. The two business leaders share their personal stories,...

In today’s Inside The Wolf’s Den episode, Shawn and Joni welcome special guest Roshan Shah, a real estate expert and proud owner of wholesaler Home Offer Solutions, LLC. Roshan has a wealth of experience in the real estate industry, having worked with homeowners and investors nationwide for over a decade. In this episode, he shares his motivation for leaving the...